The sculpture embodies the idea of the society’s cohesion by delineating the
differences that lay the roadmap for understanding this category. Using plastic means
and adopting the conventions of classical female portraiture, the author gradually
proceeds from one race to the other, from Caucasian through Negroid to Mongoloid.
This dynamic is revealed not just through the sculpture’s form but also through the
color gradient. In this series, Zigura begins to explore and interpret the overlaying of
civilizations that wipes away the differences between them as human society reaches
the peak of globalization which leads to inevitable changes and interactions.
According to the artist, a multicultural community is richer and capable of more
creative solutions because diverse worldviews produce unique knowledge,
experiences and approaches to solving shared problems and challenges that the
humankind is facing now.
50 x 35 x 30 cm, executed in 2023